Are you way into vegetables and getting creative in the kitchen? You may have a penchant for raw food! Keep reading to discover the eight signs that you might be a raw foodie.

1. You reach for your juicer or blender instead of a coffee pot.
What’s more powerful than the average cup of joe? An energy packed smoothie or juice made with fresh fruits and leafy greens! As a dedicated raw foodie, you always opt for fresh and natural energy sources full of healthy vitamins and minerals.
2. Your kitchen may look like you've stepped into a garden-like wonderland.
You always have the best at-home kitchen gardens because fresh organic herbs, sprouts and micro-greens are key ingredients in a variety of healthy raw dishes. You also love to keep easy-to-grow plants on hand as they make food preparation easy and fun!
3. You're not scared to get creative with your food.
Making food can be quite the creative process for an artistic foodie. Not only do you use a variety of unique ingredients, you love to make your delicious food appealing to the eye and enjoyable to eat.
4. You love to spiralize those veggies!
Veggie spiralizers easily transform everyday vegetables into tasty raw “pasta” creations that satisfy the cravings of carb-lovers everywhere. They're a staple in the kitchen of any raw foodie, so naturally you whip it out at every opportunity.
5. You always surprise your friends with raw foodie deliciousness at every potluck.
At potlucks and during the holidays, you get the chance to surprise your loved ones with delicious raw food. Whether you make dinner or dessert, you always bring your best and most creative dish to the table, your friends won't even know it's raw!
6. You're krazy for kombucha!
Even if you’re not a fan of Kombucha, you probably have a few friends who are hooked! Kombucha, a popular raw-friendly fermented tea drink, is rich in B vitamins. You love to reap the benefits of it's digestive and immune-strengthening benefits.
7. You know all the fancy raw places to go to in town.
You're a clear leader when it comes to deciding where you and your friends are going for lunch. Whether it's the local organic place down the street or the oh-so fancy raw restaurant you've been dying to go to for months, you know where it is, and you know you'll love the grub, fancy or not.
8. Your friends refer to your meals as “rabbit food".
You may get a lot of slack from those who don’t understand the raw food diet. Yes, you love your leafy greens, but raw diets are also composed of sprouts, seeds, nuts, juices, healthy oils, fermented foods, and sea vegetables! This means that you get to enjoy deliciously raw, creative, and yummy meals.Did you answer yes to any of the above? Congratulations, you might just be a raw foodie!