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🌿 Spring is here & the Seasonal Green Cleanse is back! 🌿

How to keep brain fog away

How To Keep Brain Fog Away

If you’re tired of being tired, this is for you. On our journey to better health, we need to consider the part our mind plays, too. Having good health overall, is a beautiful balance. Brain fog, aka the lack of mental clarity and focus can interfere with work, school and social situations. While factors like stress and sleep deprivation might be the cause of this, your diet can also contribute to brain fog and poor concentration levels. 

What does brain fog feel like? 

Low or poor concentration Issues with recall and memory Lack of mental clarity Inability to focus on a task at hand

The food you eat has a direct impact on brain health, so a healthy diet contributes to better cognitive function. Conversely, a diet that is high in saturated fats, refined sugar and heavily processed food can cause fatigue and keep you feeling worn out. 

If you’re in the mood to start feeling good in your mind and body, checking in with your diet is a good place to start. Here are a few of our personal faves to keep your mind strong, and sharp all day long. 

Your brain health besties:


Think of these three nutrients as the trifecta for better brain health. Omega 3, antioxidants, and greens support proper blood flow to the brain–and studies show that higher blood flow in certain parts of your brain are associated with better cognitive function. Our plant-powered smoothies are a great source of brain-boosting ingredients like chia, blueberries, avocado and more.


A fiber-rich smoothie that is loaded with good-for-your-mind antioxidants like blueberries and strawberries. Plus, it’s loaded with tiny but mighty chia seeds, an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids that aid in sharpening memory and improving your mood.



This smoothie is a fan-favourite and packed with nutrients that your mind will thank you for. Made from a mix of the best tropical fruits we could find and chia seeds (we’re bringing you ALL the omega-3 fatty acids!) Plus Monsoon can help reduce inflammation in the digestive tract resulting in balanced energy thanks to turmeric.



Want to feel fresh and sunny in your mind? This smoothie will take you there. The star superfoods–kale, spirulina and chia, support blood sugar balance while fueling your body and mind.



If you want to accelerate the way you approach good nutrition for your mind, we highly recommend a juice cleanse; The Green Cleanse in particular. 

The doubled benefit of doing a cleanse that is packed with green, leafy vegetables and highly nutritious ingredients is unmatched. Curated with a mixture of green juices, probiotics and elixirs, the green cleanse will enable your body to eliminate harmful toxins that could be impacting your ability to focus. Choose between a 3, 5, or 7 day cleanse to keep brain fog at bay and regain your energy.


For your next grocery trip:

As you navigate healthy eating, here’s a quick checklist on the foods you can include to support good brain health the next time you go grocery shopping:

  • Dark Berries: Blueberry, Elderberry, Raspberry
  • Chia Seeds
  • Leafy Vegetables 
  • Walnuts
  • Beets
  • Fermented Foods: Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Kombucha
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