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✨ New Year, New Wellness Era: Start 2025 with 100% Organic Wellness Shots ✨

Prepare Your Body for Spring and Beat the Winter Blues

Prepare Your Body for Spring and Beat the Winter Blues


When we think of juice, it normally takes us to a fantasy land of sunshine, beaches and outdoor picnics. But cold-pressed juices can (and should) be consumed all year long, and here’s why! Packed with many glorious nutrients as abundant as the day they were first pressed, cold pressed juices offer a convenient option for getting all the nutrients you need any time of year. Since fresh, local fruits and vegetables aren’t as readily available in the winter months, organic cold pressed juice is the next best thing to getting those needs met! As winter transitions into spring, it’s a great time to focus on your overall health so that you can feel refreshed and ready for the warmer months ahead. 

Not only do our juices have a plethora of vitamins and minerals, but they are also a great source of antioxidants! Making sure you reach your daily minimums of these nutrients is essential for keeping your immune system at peak performance to avoid any unwanted viruses this time of year.

The two most common (and readily available) antioxidants you will find in cold pressed juices are Vitamins A and C! With just one to two juices per day, you can confidently check off your daily requirements of these two nutrients (and others) and focus on more important things, like starting your spring cleaning! 

Another key benefit of antioxidants is that they help protect your body from oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can weaken your immune system so it’s imperative that your body is stocked up with antioxidants to ensure you don’t get any unwanted sicknesses. 

We also recommend the following additional practices to support your health in the transition to spring;

  • Choose organic as much as you can to keep your immune system strong by reducing foreign substances. Focus on a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables to ensure you’re getting a wide range of nutrients.
  • Cook meals with whole ingredients (avoiding processed / refined foods that may be void of essential nutrients).
  • Spice it up! Adding dried herbs and spices to your meals not only kicks up the flavor but also provides some pretty note-worthy benefits. Below are just a few superstars we want to prioritize in our meals and why;
    • Garlic: Anti-viral
    • Ginger: Anti-bacterial
    • Turmeric: Anti-inflammatory
    • Cinnamon: All of the above!
  • Keep moving! Regular exercise can help improve mood, reduce stress, and support overall health. Incorporate more outdoor activities as the weather warms up that include at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise 5 times per week.
  • Get enough sleep. Adequate sleep is crucial for overall health and with the clocks going forward in the spring, your body may require more downtime as it transitions into the longer days. Create a relaxing bedtime routine and give yourself some extra time to get settled in the evening.

We can’t help but be excited for the weather to start warming up and for spring to be in full force. We will be busy getting our bodies and routines ready so that we can hit the ground running when spring is finally here! 

Written by Julie Hadland: Registered Holistic Nutritionist

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